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Old 02-05-2016, 09:18 AM
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CaberTosser CaberTosser is offline
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I'll disagree with the suggestion of 'friending' the interviewer on LinkedIn, as such an action seems a bit excessive, but I don't think checking out their profile would be too much (knowing that they'll be notified of their profile view and that you were the individual who was viewing it). This will show a bit of initiative but don't overdo it into projecting creepy desperation.

If it's a trades job or involves field supervision be sure to touch on being proactive about safety and maybe have a relatable first hand account of a safety experience to mention if need be. I would imagine there's less focus on it in office positions than in the trades so maybe it won't even come up, but being able to relate a cause & effect of an incident or perhaps a time you performed a successful intervention is good.

The most recent interviews I had a couple of years back touched on questions about conflict resolution & teamwork.

And lastly Google yourself and see what pops up. If you have lots of social media posts from platforms such as Facebook, take a peek at what it projects to an employer or a stranger. Revise your privacy settings if need be. I have a feeling that one comment I left in a news article comments section played against me for the last interview I had (my resume and work experience was stellar and the interview went pretty well). The comment was left within the week preceding the interview and was opposing some factually incorrect advocates of gun control; the interview was at a place that could be described as highly likely to lean to the political left. I know people who have changed to false names for their Facebook profiles for this very reason.

Along the same line it can be helpful to not reveal things about your personal politics or such. For instance my wife is a communications professional and decades ago had some experience in the political arena, her resume notes what her position was when she was in politics but says "Communications Lead for a Political Party" rather than noting which political party it was. A co-worker of hers back then gave her the occasional lift home in his financially-frugal former cop car, until recently this same guy was our Prime Minister.
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me

Last edited by CaberTosser; 02-05-2016 at 09:34 AM.
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