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Old 02-03-2016, 11:25 PM
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lovich12 lovich12 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southern AB
Posts: 207

Originally Posted by Jet View Post
"not giving advice", but "telling everyone you have extensive experience" again

Extensive experience ain't worth jack if it comes from (to quote yourself) a "dough head".

For anybody new, who wants to learn about driving on ice and wants to minimize the risk to their vehicle, life, others and who is trying to figure out if the dough heads should be listened to...

The best resource is the one your government has created for you. It's been written by engineers who's job it is to understand these things more than you do and is designed to minimize your risk. It's considered the most comprehensive guide to date by other jurisdictions too:

If ultimately you choose to ignore it (which is your choice), then please keep
clear of others. Thanks.

Here's what happens when well meaning people think engineering,
physics, ice loading don't apply to them and think they know better:

1 foot of ice, multiple vehicles parked too close:
Jet, at what point during the year, do you require people to not drive or walk? There can be 24" of ice but it's honeycombed. What does honeycombed ice look like?
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