Thread: Good 3wts?
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Old 12-16-2015, 12:10 PM
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jgib01 jgib01 is offline
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Some serious diversity in what you are considering, and hence the opinions sent your way too. (Guessing the Sage One prices at a little more than you want to spend

The Echos are a completely different kettle of fishin than the CGR. I have the CGR in a 2 wt. It's a fun little noodle to cast with, that would probably be better compared to the Redington Butterstick (the only other fiberglass rod I have ever cast). Almost a bit of a novelty rod for me, but at the sale price point I figured no harm done. Not sure how long the 3wt CGR is, but the Echos are at least a foot and some change longer than my 2, I'm sure. The Echos are medium/fast rods I believe, and the CGR is slow as cold molasses. I've not tried the Echo3, but did have a go for a couple of casts with a Boost 4wt last year... I just remember it feeling very heavy in my hand.
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