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Old 12-08-2015, 08:05 AM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by brslk View Post
I'm sorry. I wasn't gonna say anything about it but you are completely wrong.
Without city dwellers and urbanites, you would not exist.

The tractor you drive? was it built on a farm?
The clothes you wear, made on the farm?
The TV, computer...etc..etc.. made on the farm?

The food you grow, who is it sold to?

I hate this us against them thing rural people sometimes have.

We work together.

We need each other.
Sure we need each other. The urban folks demand the product made from the resources us uneducated toothless hillbillies out in the sticks harvest like lumber, oil, gas, hydro electricity, coal, steel, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. That's why we are out here harvesting the stuff the urban people demand. We are sick of having millions of urban fingers pointed at us because we are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. We loggers, miners, farmers, fishermen, rig pigs, pipeliners, equipment operators, truck drivers, etc, are tired of being told WE are the cause of all the environmental problems and that we are just a bunch of uneducated rednecks that are too stupid to clean up our act when we are just following the rules set by the URBAN officials and policy makers for harvesting what it is they are demanding. Meanwhile the self righteous 'environmentally conscious' consumers absolve themselves of any blame because the packaging of the newest electronic gadget made out of plastic, they purchased with their plastic card or plastic money that they brought home in a plastic bag says it is 'energy efficient', or the package of fish or vegetables they consume says it comes from a 'sustainable' fishery or farm, or is 'organic', the new car they buy is 'fuel efficient', the new 2500 square foot $350,000 house with marble countertops, carpets, tile, windows, walls ,roofing that are 'energy saving' meanwhile the process to make all these 'environmentally friendly' products is hugely damaging to our environment.

That's Ok though us simple rural rednecks can handle the hypocrisy, we been dealing with it for decades. We will continue to sit back and watch the smug urban environmentalists chastise us while they do 'their part' and continue to buy 'environmentally conscious' products, watch David Suzuki and fly off in a jet to mexico or some place where some poor bastard who works for a few pesos a day and lives in a really environmentally efficient mud hut with a scrap tin roof, serves them drinks in a resort that sits where endangered turtles used to lay their eggs, after breakfast they go out and watch the whales......
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