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Old 10-11-2015, 07:07 AM
Winch101 Winch101 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Okotoks wilderness
Posts: 4,420
Default And lots should

I was at Walmart ,there is need for a Niqab inspectors , you know to hand them out . If not why not .....
Woof woof , there are some women ,just born to wear a Niqab .

Remember we Rightards don't care what you want ,tow the line or get out .
You elected us to decide what is right for you .
Not like the Dippers who decide what is left for you .

Just like every other deviant behaviour , long hair ,tattoos, piercings
Mohawks, obesity, going bra less , niqabs , fanny packs , Tilley hats
Camo at a wedding , bad BO , look like a weirdo and society will
Act in kind .....fortunately there's a shortage of stones laying around
Or as they call it in Arab countries ,collateral damage .

I decided to wear a mask at 15 ....brain dead .....15 yr old girl
Not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
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