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Old 04-02-2009, 11:56 PM
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TreeGuy TreeGuy is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Calgary
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~Octane~, you have no idea how teams/organizations function in real life. Just 'cause ya gots 5 years of ringette under your belt and spend 16 hours a day following the Oil, doesn't make you an expert. If you are not currently cashing a paycheque from their media releations department, then you should be.

Seriously dude. Are you satisfied as a fan? Seriously. I'm not. Develop, develop, develop. Then once the player starts to get decent they make a brutal trade to start developing again. Farm system sucks because the drafting has sucked! I aspire to lose out consistanly in the first round like the Flames do and will.

The 'old boys club' must be nuked. It's not working. Take your blinders off, as attitudes like yours only prolong the mediocrety. The coach has lost the team. Period. What are you gonna do? Trade the whole team? Give your head a shake.....your eyeballs are stuck. Blind azz rah-rah fans really pizz me off! Go find another bandwagon..........

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