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Old 03-30-2009, 11:06 AM
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FallAirFever FallAirFever is offline
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Originally Posted by TreeGuy View Post
Sigh....... It's all for the greater good I suppose.

An Oil playoff berth shall only prolong the pain...........

For the life of me, I cannot understand why they are not allowed to play the way they did in the third all the time. Let the horses out for God's sakes!

One of the things I always loved about the Oilers was the philosophy that a 1 goal loss was exactly the same as a 10 goal loss. It was a game plan of just going out there and playing the damn game. That tradition has been lost.

As much as my head would love to seem them make the show with the potential for a BOA, my heart knows that it would be better in the long run for them to yet again sit this season out. That sucks azz.

x2 on that!! I had high hopes for a playoff BOA a couple weeks ago, but now cant see it happening.

The boys looked good in the third, thought they were coming back!

Clash I hope you are wrong on this one but we have seen it before...

"here is what will will get to a point where we are def. out of the playoffs...and then we will win all the remaining games with ease....the boys will be flying..scoring almost at will etc...and those last 3 or 4 games will make the rest of the season dissappear...and we will be forced to swallow the "well look how well the played at the end" line again.....heaps of praise will be put on the young guys..and loads of exrectations will be put on for next season..but no significant changes will be made...cause look how well we did at the end......bah...!!!"
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