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Old 08-27-2015, 11:30 AM
AlbertaCutthroat AlbertaCutthroat is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 299

Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
Are you serious? You think OHV's cause more damage than hanging culverts, bridges and roads over the streams, clear cutting and resource development and gravel extraction that causes silt and other things to clog the streams. That quad riders do more damage than oil sands extraction and tailing ponds??

I should note I was talking about fish habitat generally, not necessarily that little section of the stream shown. Perhaps that is where the confusion and your comment is coming from. I wasn't trying to say that those sets of tire tracks were from industrial workers.
There are drainage's with next to no active industrial activity where quads are by far the biggest threat to bull trout. We call them in while hiking every year, not enough resources for SRD to tackle the issue. The streams have been long shut down to legal angling yet the ATV's continue to have free reign/ destroy large areas. Bull trout numbers continue to slide in some of these areas. It's very sad.
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