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Old 07-29-2015, 08:00 AM
Dunezilla Dunezilla is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: West Of Leduc,AB
Posts: 1,386

The biggest game I hunt is deer. Anyhow, where I hunt I am usually no more than 20 minutes from the vehicle. I believe the further I dragged one out of that area was about 500 or 600 yards, that being said they are usually closer than that. Then I take my 5 minute walk to the vehicle & go back & pick up the carcass.

I curl the carcass up into a half ball before I drag them out. That way the head & legs don't get hung up as much on bushes, logs extra.

I could de-bone it but I am usually never that far in the bush to warrant that.

Oh, & I keep going with the exercise. I'm no younger either so being in my upper 50's I try to keep in some kind of shape, & I try to find easier terrain to hunt on.
"Shot through the heart, and Dune's to blame. His 308 kill's big game."---Dead Doevi
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