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Old 03-20-2009, 06:44 PM
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keeks keeks is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Whitecourt
Posts: 669

I'm in the other 10 percent...[/QUOTE]

I am mostly too. But one time the manager was such a nitwit (at a restaurant no less) that he asked me if I would like to take it outside and settle it like men?

So I said to him, sure, and me and the wife stepped outside with him and I said ok are you ready? And I stepped back. He looked at me kinda puzzled and I said ok, now my wife is gonna kick your ass cuz it was her meal that was effed up. And she stepped forward. He headed for the door.

That was a nice meal.

I could tell you restaurant it was, but I don't want to offend anyone. Or is it ok to talk about it if you have addressed it with management?
