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Old 03-20-2009, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by depopulator View Post
So let me see if I got this right:

1. You went in to buy some arrows. Right when you walked into the store you were asked if you needed help and were directed to where you could select some arrows.

2. You told him that you would like some 26" arrow total length and they wanted to measure you up to ensure you got the proper length arrows.

3. After they got you proper arows and cut them, you were handed off to individual A who talked to you about your bow and some of the features it has.

4. Then they got you sighted in and it shot great groups and you were very satisfied.

Sorry, but other than some ribbing (likely all in good fun that you may have taken too serious - maybe ??) it sounds like dam good service to me.

Originally Posted by Jeromeo View Post
Doe thanks for your input but unfortunately for you and other companies, I will continue to post my thoughts about certain stores and their employees. If good customer service is delivered this shouldn't be an issue.
The manager of SPAL was very professional and kind when replying to this thread and to a PM I sent and I can respect that. It shows that there is an attempt towards bettering their services. Whether or not the employees can follow through with that is the challenge.
For the few dollars you spent there and the wealth of service you received in return, you should be ashamed of yourself for causing all this fuss on this forum. It is obvious that you don't have the maturity and self esteem to have actually handled this in-person like an adult. And coming on here to cry about it - what an absolute joke. I can see from your posts on this thread you are the type that pretty much needs their hand held and ego stroked to be happy.

I am glad the manager of SPAL has been a stand up guy through all this, 'cause if I was him I would have told you long ago to definitely take your business elsewhere and never show your face in there again. It is never a win-win with children like yourself.