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Old 06-28-2015, 10:11 AM
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Dick284 Dick284 is online now
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Dreadful Valley
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-The Rangers didn't want a semi!
-The spec was chosen by the Rangers themselves.
-Made in Canada under licence because thats how military procurement happens, creating reliable supply lines regardless of international circumstances.
-Odd coluration of the stock performs two purposes, keeps indavertant lose to a minimum, and makes blackmarket sales distinguishable.
- As for the cost...thats like peeing in the ocean compared to other blunderous initiatives the Feds have attempted, and shelved/screwed up/or otherwise mis managed.

I know this likely hurts the sentimants of the arm chair defence ministers, or wannabe field marshals, but the realities are, what they are.

The rangers have no combat tasking, they are at best trainers and guides if Arctic combat ever were to happened, Right now they serve as a method of bolstering Canadian sovereignty, without having an inflated cost of actual bases, personel and equiptment being there.

There are no absolutes
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