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Old 04-30-2015, 10:16 AM
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FlyTheory FlyTheory is offline
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Originally Posted by kostianych View Post
I vote for a troll fed up with all the useless discussions.

With all the bla bla bla the Sundance Lake pirch problem is still in place.

Having no idea how to cleane a small water body you try to find a solution for a whole province.
Well if you're fed up with all the "bla bla" (it's "blah") then leave. Sundance is, I believe is a fisheries biologist- correct me if I'm wrong, so he definitely knows what he's talking about. Just because there's still a perch problem in lake SD, doesn't mean efforts aren't working. In fact kostianych, seeing that years of effort to try and eradicate something so simple as perch in a trout pothole, should indicate the severity for a more destructive species. This thread will keep going, "so deal with it - or injoy"
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