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Old 04-21-2015, 12:34 PM
NEWB NEWB is offline
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
Might see some larger fish but will likely see a decline in population.
Doesnt always work that way. A strong invasive species can choke out/displace the pike and trout as well as other species. There will be competition for food, as well as egg predation and I would bet they will feed on the young of the predators as well.
A water body can only support so much biomass. If the carp become even 30% of that biomass they have displaced 30% of the other species. Kind of easy way to put it but I think helps see the impact. Just used 30% as an example(probably will be much higher).
Fair enough.

I do not know enough about the Carp Species to really hazzard an accurate guess.

I do not know what their main diet is and if they would be competing for the same food as the pike and walleyes. I am certain the carp minnors will be a nice treat for other species of fish.

I speculate there will be some larger pike and walleye as there will be more food.
I am curious as to what the survival rate of the Carp Eggs are.

Right now all I can do is speculate while preparing my smoker and cast iron skillet for some Carp!
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