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Old 04-18-2015, 10:30 AM
L.O.S.T.Arrow's Avatar
L.O.S.T.Arrow L.O.S.T.Arrow is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Wainwright
Posts: 4,499

I am excited about this...this is a shoot where all bowhunter regardless if their years shooting or even skills shooting can come and enjoy a bowhunting experience and scenio without feeling the heavy competition pressure...regardless of your equipment...shoot with exactly what you hunt with...

In a bowhunting...not competition setting...
There's no class this... class that...just a bowhunting gang ...becoming better bowhunters...
If your a newer can learn a lot from the bowhunting shoot and/or the veteran shooters that will shoot beside you ...not as a competitive Robin Hood..rather as a bowhunting buddy...

There will be awesome this shoot gains more popular and gets bigger so will the prizes as the bowhunting industry will take notice...
For example L.O.S.T. Arrow Archery will pledge a top of the line trail cam...and you don't have to be a top shooter to win rewards ...besides the reward of the experience an average or new bowhunter could win that trail cam for shooting with the ugliest bow with the least wound
The biggest reward will be the fun with no pressure...enjoying the experience with fellow bowhunters...

I'm pumped to see this and thank ABA for this opportunity. ..

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