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Old 03-25-2015, 05:59 PM
dmcbride dmcbride is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Bazeau County East side
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post

You your self said, quote from previous thread.

Originally Posted by calgarychef View Post
We've survived thus far without these tools/weapons being regulated, it's always been legal In Alberta to hunt with spears. We've never had a problem with them so why worry about it now? These guys aren't asking for a separate season, not wanting to be in the bow season, they just want to hunt with their sticks. Why open this big can of worms? Just leave things as they are.

Another good point....why is this nonissue all of the sudden an issue?

.....issues become issues only when someone brings them up.

From here post #97

Don't really know what happened since you joined the ABA, but most hunters don't feel it is right to through other hunters under the bus. Like it or not, the ABA did bring this issue up.

As for your question. See post #271 of the same thread.

If the majority of the ABA members do not support the ban or would like to see minimum standards, why not correct the situation?

Also the ABA has been back peddling on this issue, they had to do something.