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Old 03-25-2015, 05:53 PM
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RayM77 RayM77 is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
Lol. This discussion needed that.

It's to bad one side doesn't see the big picture of hunters as a whole.
I think the ABA side was thinking about hunting as a whole. Having no rules on certian weapons and the the guidelines for there use was a hudge oversite by SRD.

Dmcbride how would you define legal hunting methods with a spear or atl atl ? weapons such as bows and rifles have mechanical aspects that guarantee a certian amount of energy. How do you ensure that the thrower can generate enough energy? Surly you would want a legal min weight and cutting diameter what would that be? That fact that someone can sharpen a broom stick and go out hunting is rediculus and needs to be changed at a very minimum, for that alone I am glad the ABA brought the issue up. As I said before we as hunters should police and question our selves before someone else does it for us.
"There's more fun in hunting with the handicap of the bow than there is in hunting with the sureness of the gun." -Fred Bear-