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Old 03-24-2015, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by fargineyesore View Post
I usually cheer against Calgary, but I'm hoping they get in because of this:

my two great nephews' father passed away (they are 14 and 12) earlier this year. He was a Flames fan and somehow the Flames found out about it (may have been my niece advised, don't know for sure) and did some very nice things for them (they were scheduled to go to a game with their dad but he passed prior to the game) at the game. I wont go into all the details, but it was touching to say the least. Upon hearing what they did for these two boys, it's pretty hard for me not to pull for them to get into the playoffs.
Great story, I really like to hear how teams and athletes can do something special for others like that. Really sorry to hear of the boys' loss, at that age. I had my dad for 48 years, and just laid him to rest on Sunday, and that was plenty difficult enough to do. My sympathies to the boys and your family.
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