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Old 03-22-2015, 10:13 PM
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brohymn2 brohymn2 is offline
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Default dog bit my sons face, how would you react

was visiting my in laws who breed shelties, they have one old dog that's deaf and as my father inlaw says "does not like children". anyways over the past year ive visited multiple times with my son and have always done my best to keep my son away from the dog as my son is only 3, the dog in turn has always been good with my son and over the past year has warmed up to him allowing him to pet it. anyways was in the washroom and my inlaws were watching my son in the livingroom, as I walked out of the bathroom I rounded the corner just in time to see my son going in to give the dog a kiss(apparently hes done this before) before I could yell at my son to stop him from doing what he was doing the dog lashed at him and bit his face leaving scratches on his forehead and a bleeding lip.

I quickly grabbed my son with my mother in law and we checked him over as my father inlaw locked the dog in the bedroom,

anyways when I returned home, my wife obviously asked what happened to his face and when I told her she flew off the handle and basically got ****ed I didn't kill the dog, now shes in a big argument with her mother about putting it down.

just wondering how other people might of reacted or handled this situation.

either way im chalking this up as a life lesson for my son to be weary with dogs
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