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Old 03-17-2015, 10:23 AM
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Zuludog Zuludog is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Easiest question ever to answer.
Quit letting criminals out to keep repeating their crimes. Harsher longer penaltys are in need.
It has to start with a judicial system makeover...
I agree, especially the harsher part. Make it so crime REALLY doesn't pay. No TV, smokes, pool table, weights etc. Make labor mandatory & growing/raising their own food. Reduce prison costs by having them work, real hard.
The kill is the satisfying, indeed essential, conclusion to a successful hunt. But, I take no pleasure in the act itself. One does not hunt in order to kill, but kills in order to have hunted. Then why do I hunt? I hunt for the same reason my well-fed cat hunts...because I must, because it is in the blood, because I am the decendent of a thousand generations of hunters. I hunt because I am a hunter.- Finn Aagard
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