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Old 02-22-2015, 05:23 PM
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JohninAB JohninAB is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: West Central Alberta
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Default Wabamun Feb 22, 2015

Arrived at the lake at 845 or so and was delighted to see only 2 other vehicles on the ice. Went out to my spot and spent a glorious 6 hours out there with nary another fisherman within 1 mile. Only disturbance was a 2 wheel drive Chevy half ton that went burning by around 230ish.

Have found from watching the pike on the camera, having the smelt just off the bottom with its head down seems to trigger the strikes. If you move it a hair too much, it seems to spook the pike.

Iced probably 20 pike with the biggest being around 5 lbs. Lost a few as well due to too light a trigger on the Jaw Jacker or myself not getting the hook set.

Please note, I am no Fishing Doctor so my photos are not as good as his. I still have to master using the GoPro under water. Most of my action shots are taken with my phone camera off the Marcum screen. Next year will see improvements here.

Biggest pike of the day. Estimated 5 lbs???

Strange growth. As silly as this seems, seen this pike or one just like him last weekend in the same spot. Finally after three strikes at my bait I got him on the Jaw Jacker. Any idea what the growth may be??

Pike looked healthy enough.

Not paying attention when setting up the Jaw Jacker and oops! Old rod, was time for it to go anyways.

Going in for the kill!

Tried to embed a video but the technology evades me!
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