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Old 01-30-2015, 02:34 AM
crazy_davey crazy_davey is offline
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Originally Posted by rednuck View Post
- Anyone with a kid pretty much gets to do whatever they want
While I agree with you on most of what you say, I will disagree with you here. I like the way you think but not all parents are responsible hunters.

Here is a recent example:

I was standing in front on my neighbors house chatting with him, mule deer walking all around in his field and a neighbors fields. A truck driving up and down the main road, obviously watching the deer.

They eventually drive up the drive way close to us and park. The two fat guys in the truck don't get out, they send the kid they have with them to talk to us. He gets out in his long johns and stocking feet, walks up to us on the gravel and asks us if they can shoot deer on the property while the two overweight males stay in the truck smoking. My neighbor says no, but only because of the way they asked. If the adults would have got out as well and been polite they would have permission . The kid hops back in the truck and they take off spraying gravel everywhere, obviously ****ed off. Great role models for the kid

Just an example of what NOT to do.
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