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Old 01-29-2015, 06:14 PM
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wwbirds wwbirds is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: near Calgary
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Default Play it by ear

Respectful young fellows usually get in. if I see them chasing around in the fields in their dads truck and shooting gophers out of a moving truck (happened) they are uninvited for future.
If I have hunters with dogs hunting or training on the preserve people asking permission have to understand clients get priority rights. Had one argue with me that he would just go south of my property and set up when I told him clients had the day booked up so I corrected him by saying no you wont because I lease that quarter as well and now you will never get on the whole section. Respectful to me means working with me not confronting me because I have a private shooting preserve and that hurts your feelings.
Sense of entitlement (telling me I don't own the birds or animals) guarantees a closed door.
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