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Old 01-29-2015, 05:10 PM
wildwoods wildwoods is offline
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Originally Posted by rednuck View Post
I'm a bit terrible because I put my own hunting first, no permission if I know there is something I want to shoot around. After that there are a few things:

- Politeness
- If there are cattle, although I will just give permissions to certain areas and kick people off that don't follow.
- Small groups, I hate seeing a truck of 6 guys
- Asking in person not on the phone
- Anyone with a kid pretty much gets to do whatever they want

A couple things that I recommend:

- Leave gates as you found them, when in doubt close.
- Don't knock on the door 31 minutes before sunrise, I am probably out hunting and my wife is an angry person at that time.
- Even if someone says no, say thank you for your time and walk away. Don't be afraid to ask again if it just wasn't right at that time.
- Just because you got permission once, check in again things could change.
- Ask about areas to avoid, it shows you respect them.
- listen, if the guy says no whitetails cuz there aren't many around this year don't shoot the spiker behind his house when you claim you just want a muley doe (experience)
- Let them know your intentions and where you will be. Don't lie nobody likes hearing my son and I will be pheasant hunting only to come home and see 8 people in the coulee next to your house (another experience lol)

The last thing is just a personal pet peeve but I hate when guys show up at the door dressed like rambo. I understand some people wear camo but the dressed head to toe with face paint and a giant knife thing makes me not want to answer the door. At least nobody has brought their gun so far.
Great post
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