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Old 01-21-2015, 07:40 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by chugg View Post
I agree with SmokinJoe, why don't you figure out what the problem is before you brew up solutions, why don't you go educate yourself spend some time with native people, you obviously have no idea of there culture and traditions and beliefs. You might think these things are not important ,but remember these things are huge to native people.
You gotta lose the me me me attitude and look at the big picture here. It's 2015, not 1870. Look at the Canadian population, there is more than just aboriginal people in here.

Your own greed will lead to the collapse of our wildlife if its left as a free for all amongst status, it's just a matter of time. Maybe you should spend some time looking into the big picture, start teaching your people conservation, and realize the animals on this earth belong to no man, but ALL men.