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Old 01-19-2015, 08:49 AM
dgl1948 dgl1948 is offline
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Originally Posted by walking buffalo View Post
You desire a negotiation to restrict treaty hunting for the purpose of increasing trophy potential for licenced hunters that admittedly are not hunting for the meat. ?

Do you think the prospect of change has much traction with this position?

There is a better way to initiate a discussion for change. For starters the group seeking change should make concise, honest and honorable gestures to their counterparts in an attempt to bring the parties to a place where consultation can begin.

The groups have brought this to the table. It has been brought up to our poloticians as they are the ones that have to be at the table but they choose not to. How do we manage game in this day and age when there is no control over season and harvest limits. We have a growing population, decreasing land base for wildlife and hunting and harvesting methods that have changed over the years. Take a look at Manitoba now, the Metis have now been granted the same rights. Their population is growing as well.That province is now having to close some of what used to be the best hunting areas in the province because of unregulated over harvesting.

Why would Treaty Indians want to open this door today? I can't see a reason that has been put forward. All the suggestions I have heard so far would only keep the parties further divided.

Why, so there can be a sustainable harvest for all in the future.

Know your counterpart and start at the beginning, with an introduction an offering and an invitation.

IMO, the Op (the mods) and others have made a grave mistake in focusing on the idea of subsistence hunting. The issue at hand is Treaty hunting rights and this is much different legal beast.

Not realy. Treaty hunting rights makes it possable to to subsistance hunt.
For those desiring to make any positive motions on the potential to re-negotiate must first become less confrontational and more educated on the facts. In this matter a well lubed squeeky wheel will simply be tossed into the garbage pile for being old and irreparable.
I do not think anyone has a problem with people who need to hunt for food if they truly need to. The problem I see is those that hunt for sport and use their treaty rights to do so.