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Old 01-19-2015, 01:12 AM
SmokinJoe SmokinJoe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 519

Originally Posted by Squeaker View Post
We know what trophies are and I am standing my ground for the younger generations to get the chance the same way we all want the fairness...that was you earlier comment was the word fair .. so I keep asking why is it ok for you to go do this and I cant ? or my son who has just as much right as your son said fair so I am going with whats fair for you should be fair for me ..and you keep dancing all around that comment leading away with different comments. what I wanna know is why its ok for you and not for me ?
Because I have a right to hunt. You have a privedge to hunt. It's the law, it's laid out for all of us to co exist. We abide by the same law with different guideline based on our ancestry, but it's the same law. Therefore it's fair.