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Old 01-14-2015, 10:36 PM
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lilsundance lilsundance is offline
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Originally Posted by DiabeticKripple View Post
i dont know if the issue with large class sizes is due to lack of schools, or lack of teachers.

could be a surplus of teachers, but not enough classrooms
in major centers its a lack of schools. Lots of teachers cant find a job because of that. And being a substitute you only get paid when you actually work, as it should be. Could some of these teacher move to rural centers where they could find jobs. Ya some could, but lots can't because their spouses jobs are in the major centers. Things that the Gov't has to quit spending money on is frivolous things like studies to see if the public wants chrome balls or copper in front of a gov't building.
now back on topic for me and then I am done with posting in here. I will not vote for any gov't that puts a provincial tax in place.
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