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Old 12-29-2014, 05:22 PM
Rman Rman is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 722

Originally Posted by gitrdun View Post
Ok, I am done with this. It was somewhat entertaining for a while and hopeful that somehow edmhunter could have taken up a challenge which in fact he initiated. But this is getting stupid. The man has no pride, no back bone, is a pathological liar, his word means diddly squat. Best to get out before things get out of hand. Cheers.
So you, and the rest of the F-Class Sisters have backed some other poor fellow into a corner that he can't possibly get out of? To what purpose does this serve? At best, its a no win situation, at worst its just plain bullying.
What if I offered to swing to by and pick you up for a day of shooting with a bunch more people you have never met? Would you accept? I highly doubt it...

And again with the name calling...

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