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Old 12-28-2014, 04:18 PM
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hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
I will give you examples of the "ridiculous crap" he is spouting about!!
A friend, farther of three, was involved in a fender bender. He was hit from behind whilst waiting at a traffic light. Things get heated and he is shot 9 times by the lawyer that drove in to him.
My wife and I are getting in to my truck after supper at my parents. I see a person walking up the driveway pointing a gun. I am packing as well. Do i pull my gun or do I get my wife and parents back in to the house without a shootout. I made the right decision by not pulling my gun and herding the family back in to the house. They were not after my truck. They wanted in to the house because they left the truck idling in the driveway. If i pulled my gun a family member would have got hurt.
My cousin is drawing money at the ATM. He is focusing on the ATM. He is packing as well. They wait till it spits out the money and he gets shot 3 times in the stomach. They take his gun and his cash
My father gets woken up with a 9mm pistol shoved in his mouth. He had no time to reach for a gun. There are 7 guys standing in his bedroom with guns and knives. They hold up him, my mother and my sister for 8 hours in their home. All the whilst holding a gun to my 2 hear old nieces head so they don't think of doing anything "funny". They also threaten to rape my mother and sister
We are having a BBQ at a friends house with family friends and kids. 3 of us are packing. 4 guys jump over the fence, grab the closest child and puts a gun to his head. We all do what they say. No way we are pulling our guns. We are trained to shoot straight but they are not.

I have a few more examples if you want. But this is a good start. Fortunately Canada is a democracy. We all have certain rights and freedoms. I have the right to live in a peaceful society free from fear and intimidation. You may have the "right to choose to carry" but you will lose a few other "rights" if open carry by the general public is legalized
The criminals who commited these crimes were licensed and carrying firearms legally?

How much worse would crime have been if the good guys were not allowed to carry?

If you were allowed to carry for self defense why wouldn't you use the tools available to you?

Where is this sh it hole?

Sounds to me like a total failure of the system. How are law abiding people licensed to carry part of the problem? Sounds like they are still being victimized, the question is are they victimized less because they have guns?

Can you expand on which rights we will lose if open carry was legal? Why would democracy be threatened if open carry was legal?
Upset a Lefty, Fly a Drone!

"I find it interesting that some folk will pay to use a range, use a golf course, use a garage bay but think landowners should have to give permission for free. Do these same people think hookers should be treated like landowners?" pitw

Last edited by hillbillyreefer; 12-28-2014 at 04:24 PM.