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Old 12-28-2014, 04:03 PM
twofifty twofifty is offline
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Originally Posted by javlin101 View Post
There has been victims everywhere in this world and always will be and this includes places where you can carry or not. Why would the right to carry change this here in Canada? If your a person that hunts, likes to shoot, etc and know the dangers of firearms want to make it even easier for the general public to carry???????
I've been all over the US on numerous trips to areas (urban and country) where the general public's right to carry (open and/or cc) is part of day-to-day life. The presence of armed folk in close proximity never felt threatening.

Most folk are smarter and calmer than we give them credit for. The crime stats are said to show that this is certainly the case for those who take the mandatory oc-cc training that many States mandate.