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Old 12-24-2014, 08:35 AM
wolf308 wolf308 is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: red deer
Posts: 3,372

Good call on hathcock. I've researched him lots. A really really good book about him is : marine sniper. Check it out

He was the case study after nam about creating a sniper trade in the Murican military. Dusted Vietcong with an 8x scope on a 50 at 2500 yards , used his model 70 to 1200 yards, went on movie type single sniper missions and with great success, won Wimbledon in 1963 or so , still has the record for some type of off hand shooting - like 246 out of 250 points or so. Shot a enemy sniper thru his rifle scope (pu soviet model so it's believable). Lots more , just crazy. Scary how good he was with a 1-2 Moa rifle and it only shot it's first shot accurately ( in nam )

Bob lee swagger was based loosely off him even though there's a reference to hathcock separately in point of impact

I have a interview on DVD by john plaster of hathcock. Wow scary dangerous eyes to say the least. They really stuck out. A very dangerous man with a rifle.
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