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Old 12-23-2014, 09:27 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by norwestalta View Post
Jims I am one of the offending ones and I do apologize for it. I know there are many capable shooters on here but I'm hard pressed to believe that their are a few if any that can free hand shoot 500yards. If he were to say it was a fluke then I'd believe that.
I think it's possible, I even think it's possible to make the shot more times than not. I do think its impossible to make the shot every time tho.

I shoot targets quite often at 500yds with a rest, I also take lots of shots freehand at coyotes at all type of ranges. The last coyote I shot at was at a true 500yds, and it was free hand, and the coyote was on a dead run and I....... Missed, but I was close, really really close, like within inches close. As a matter of fact, about 2 weeks after the season I texted the guy I was with when I shot and told him that was the shot I was most proud of all year. Having the composure to put all the factors together and come as close as I did, even though it was a miss, to come that close at a coyote running flat out at a true 500yds was impressive, at least to me.

So, moral of my story, if I can come that close, I believe there are guys out there that can make 500yd freehand shots with good consistancey, I just haven't met any yet.