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Old 12-13-2014, 09:46 AM
elkhunter1234 elkhunter1234 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Magrath, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
I disagree, why should those folks be given precedent in a "draw"? I think these opportunities should show no favoritism whatsoever....these situations are "unique" and finite, all Albertans who hunt and who are going to show up to hunt this special opportunity should have a equal and fair crack at the tags.

If I don't fill my draw moose tag I don't get special consideration the following year....

It's unfortunate that you didn't fill the tag first time around....that's hunting.

I never said the guys that got drawn and never shot one, I said the guys that put in for the regulor draw and were not drawn. I can garinty you that there will be guys that put in for the regular draw that were drawn and have already shot one elk, now they might get drawn for the quote hunt and will shot 2 more, where some guys "not me" put in for the original draw and were not drawn.. But hay it looks like I'm out numbered on this anyways..
What I'm saying is Freerider put in the regulor draw and was not drawn..
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