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Old 12-04-2014, 12:34 PM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by Blackwolf View Post
The schools teach we are all animals, so as my wife suggested is it not survival of the fittest?? Besides they also teach there is no God, and there is no free will, and there is no hope. That is another subject.....

I woke this morning to a couple radio announcers debating the subject , my thought was why on earth is the government wasting time and monies by privileging one group over any other based on sexual preference? Bullying is wrong... DEAL WITH THAT!!

Why is the government not spending time dealing with the suicides caused by bullying? Once again, I feel that there are people more right than myself, and to say so is being racist, or Homophobic.
Not at all schools teach what is provable and repeatable. So since god wont prove him self (we cant see him in 13 billion light years) and we can use science to prove most of what "god " was attributed with ...chin up you make your own hope.