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Old 10-06-2014, 12:14 AM
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Torkdiesel Torkdiesel is offline
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Originally Posted by Rabbit Snarer View Post
You are the exact type of person I'm talking about. You have money to buy a public resource for your own personal use and are allowed to do so because the government is so lax. As you say like it or not you have the money and could care less about the less fortunate even though they have as much right to the animals as you do.

Do you really think the line won't net $160,000 in a year? Very astute. Let's see your estimates to net $10,000 per year.

Explain why the government allows the selling and privatization of the right to own these lines when all you are supposed to get is compensation for improvements and equipment etc. My first post said it was a great investment, there is no argument there. I think most people in the province would like their own private piece of crown land to build a cabin on and hunt and trap from.

I will give you credit for being honest - I've never seen it so blatantly stated before.
Honesty is kinda my thing, like it or not you're going to hear how it is whether you like it or not.
Everything in the world today is for sale. The government allows these sales to happen because it has no choice. I agree that all Traplines should be used and not just so people can have a cabin, no doubt some are being used like this and that's wrong but very hard to prevent. If the government tried to limit the sale price people will just find a way around it. (EI. Sell the Trapline for $2500 then sell you my hat for $100,000) People will pay whatever they feel the line is worth and people will sell for the highest dollar amount they can.
When I left home at 18 and moved halfway across the country my father told me I could have anything I wanted in life, I just had to work for it. He said I could do as much or as little as I wanted but he never wanted to hear me complain about what somebody else has. He gave me $300 that day and I said goodbye. That was the last dollar I was ever given, every other penny I received I worked for, and I've worked Facken hard for it.
I donate time, money and I'm the first one to help out anybody that needs it. Every year I take kids out hunting or trapping and expose them to a world they wouldn't otherwise get to experience. So you can take your "could care less about the less fortunate" and shove it.
If you spent less time bitching and whining about what other people have and more time working towards what you want you would be way further ahead.