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Old 08-19-2014, 09:29 AM
Bjay Bjay is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 332

Hi Don
I agree on the water being toxic down deep in some lakes. I don't experience that here much in B.C. as most of the deeper lakes get super clear by the middle of July. I often fish down to 60 ft.. Now this is just my thought, when the water gets supper clear the sun can penetrate farther down into the water and along with water temperature can drive the trout into deeper water. When I'm fishing really deep, to 60 ft., I seldom get small fish. There is one small lake I fish that is only 20 ft. deep. You would think it would go dead in the summer but it has 5 or 6 small streams flowing into it making it cold on the bottom 4 or 5 ft. It fishes very well all summer long. Sorry guys I can't tell you where the lake is as it is small and can't stand too much fishing pressure but I had use it as an example.
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