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Old 08-06-2014, 02:42 PM
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sns2 sns2 is offline
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Default Wild Turkey

My Godson went on the AO Turkey hunt to the states this past winter to hunt wild turkey. He brought back the boned breasts in a ziploc bag and asked me if I'd smoke them. I contacted Omega to pick his brain and see if his suggestion would match my thinking. Thankfully, it did. So the turkey took a two day bath in a maple salt brine, followed by air-drying in the fridge to form a pellicle (dry skin) on the breasts for better smoke absorption. Then I trussed the breasts to form a thicker roast, so as not to dry the bird out. Then it was into the smoker. Because use it is another hot day in Edmonton, I know I am going to have a battle on my hands to manage the temp in the smoker. To do that, I employ two thermometers, one in the turkey and another that hangs in the centre of the smoker cabinet. This allows me to constantly monitor both temps and adjust accordingly. About an hour in, I will begin to baste hourly with a honey, maple syrup, cayenne mixture. I am guessing that I all have to open the door a few times to manage temps with the heat. Summer smoking is tricky with a propane smoker. More pics to come....

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