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Old 07-26-2014, 01:03 PM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by residentguide View Post
people will only apply for antlered or horned tags. Domes not help anything. Just makes it worse and you are paying mor taxes and doing nothing for our wildlife as money does not go there. I don't care were a land owner tag is good for. It is still good in the zone you apply in and I do which Raquel's another tag for the pot for all. Why should he get a special tag? You whine about outfitters. Same thing other than a landowner gets a free gift every year as an outfitter had to many thousands to get a tag which all land owner can deny access for.
Wow....can you proofread before you hit send, or take two breaths....cannot hardly understand the point of this post....but I am sure it is the utmost of importance and should be understood by all.

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