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Old 07-24-2014, 10:53 AM
Sledhead71 Sledhead71 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Alberta
Posts: 3,648

Originally Posted by MathewsZ7 View Post
It is equally available to anyone. Anyone can purchase an over the counter bighorn sheep tag at $52 and hunt them every year!! But the 15 438 rut tags can be purchased at say $500 if drawn. So no one is discriminated against with sheep hunting but coveted tags are sought after due to their "special" nature and therefore should be treated as such as done in the whole rest of the world! There is a reason that 2200 OTC tags are sold each year and 3800 put in the draw for 438! Its a very special tag yet guys say it should be treated no different and hold no more value to them. Thats a joke!!
Please explain why you feel a sheep tag is special ?

Don't forget that near 120,000 licenses were sold in Alberta for 2013... Do the math, nothing special here.... Less than 2% of our community purchased the OTC tag if your numbers are correct.... And less than 3% applied for this special draw, again if your numbers are correct.
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