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Old 07-24-2014, 10:47 AM
MathewsZ7 MathewsZ7 is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 186

Originally Posted by pikergolf View Post
I would say Ab is doing a great job with these "special" tags and treating them as "special" by making them available to anyone. Not just the I'm so great because I love hunting in a special way, that the commoners can't understand, crowd.
Thats why we have tags that are slowly becoming unavailable and that are becoming once in a lifetime tags. Every year priorities needed to get tags increases, will so forever until a change is made. So are you good putting in down the road for 20+ years to get tags because half the guys just put in for it because its cheap? Are you good with more and more tags being like 437 and if your not in it already you will never ever draw a tag? Yep Albertas draw system is awesome. Sure right now you can get a few tags every few years. That isnt going to last long. But that seems to be what many want. Guys say well move areas and apply for lower priority tags. Well just remember all of alberta tags were once low priority. The first moose tag I got in my zone I hunt too 4yrs. The one I got this year took 11. And guys are fooling themselves if they think that wont happen where they hunt. Supply and demand will make the current draw system a once in a lifetime system. Without removing applicants that will never change!!
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