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Old 07-22-2014, 10:14 PM
Pathfinder76 Pathfinder76 is offline
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Originally Posted by diamonddave View Post
I'm not even going to read the three pages of bickering. Chuck your starting to act like Chris, just posting to create a division and a pee'in match. Your right and everybody else is wrong, it's getting old.
Then you come up with a flipping solution. I have been writing, calling, writing, calling ministers, biologists, F&W, etc for years. Largely alone on many issues. Now I suggest that we start being responsible for what we have and I'm out of line? Sorry, but some of you need to look in the mirror. People can't have their cake and eat it too. I'm sorry

No one and I mean no one can explain to me why forcing people to prioritize themselves is a bad thing. Come on. I'll bet that most if not everyone on this thread pays at least $700 a year for a cell phone that they sure don't need. What about cable TV? Alcohol? Oh right, now everyone is a non drinker. I can probably find three people I know tomorrow who will say they can't afford a $150 tag for a Mule Deer, but guaranteed they will spend that at the bar this weekend.

The argument that we are taking away opportunity is another farce. I mean what a farce. Some of you guys need to look at the pools that are waiting in the wings. I want more opportunity and if someone is not disciplined enough to save $5 a month for a few years so he can by a tag is not that serious about hunting. And I could give a rats behind if he complains about it.

Come up with something better.
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-Billy Molls
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