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Old 07-12-2014, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Forest Techer View Post
Yes once again I've used the big cheif for 3 years. In the winter on a still day I've had the temp to 170. The blankets worked in the past as well to raise the temp.

I've read quite a bit over the years. Some have replaced the element with a hotplate element which allows for greater heat control. The thin sheet metal is both a benifit and a curse. Real nice to smoke cheeses with esp. In winter. And doing the majority of fish and jerky outside has kept the smell in the house down. Last night I made a quick OSB shroud and after installing the thermometer this morning the temp was up to 180 quickly.

Just put a pork tenderloin in with a pan of Apple. Will wait 2 hours and do 1 more pan. I'll post what temp this bad boy gets up to. Hoping for 190 but considering the box would be 100 in the sun today on its own probably not a great indicator for performance.

Like it was said above, this thing looses heat as fast as it puts it out. Which makes me think if it was insulated in a wood box that the heat would get significantly higher.

Thanks for all the input folks!

And if anybody knows of a cheap adjustable substitute element let me know.
If you need to bump up the cabinet temperature short term I would just grab a couple of sterno's(the small gel fuel cans they use for catering)
I have used them successfully in the past when I had a Little Chief.
If you put a foil pie plate on the next rack above the sterno's then you can add wood chips and generate additional smoke and heat and have a ready made diffuser
Adjust the heat from the sterno's by sliding the lid across the top to increase or reduce the aperture
You're only as good as your last haircut

Last edited by omega50; 07-12-2014 at 10:02 AM.
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