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Old 06-25-2014, 06:46 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: down by the river
Posts: 11,428

Originally Posted by spinN'flyfish View Post
Well im not sure if its illegal or not (not really mentioned in the regs) you could keep them alive in a bucket until you catch a bigger one then you release the smaller one and do this over again until you get the biggest one of the day and keep the final product(s)
Well, either your name is Scott, or you are new to fishing.

If you are new to fishing, read the reg's. Yes, they do cover this, and most other things. If you are unsure of a regulation and you have read the manual, post your question here or call F&W. DYODD.

If you plan on harvesting fish, read the reg's, familiarize yourself with the boundaries on various rivers and lakes, so that you know exactly where you are. It is important.

There is a ton of information on this site and in the reg's, spend some time familiarizing yourself with both and you will have a good idea of where to go, what to use, and what the reg's are for those various locations.

best of luck

let us know how you make out.
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