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Old 06-21-2014, 11:14 AM
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brendan's dad brendan's dad is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default My opinion

Why a lot of people have failures with mech's is not the BH's fault but the user. Since they are using a mech. they do not test their flight with a fixed BH and they are failing to address tuning issues. Mech's work optimally when striking 90 degrees to the target. Some designs can take more angle than others but at some point they will all fail. So if the arrow is still fish tailing or cork screwing when it hits, you not only lose penetration but risk a failure to deploy. My advice is to buy a pack of fixed, ST's Muzzy's what ever. Tune it properly but don't get over anal, hitting within 2-3 inches of your FP at 40 yards is good. Then screw on the Mech's and go hunt. Also while you are doing the tuning you may surprise yourself and want to stick with the fixed BH based on their flight and reliability.

I shoot ST's primarily but I have 1 grim reaper in the quiver if the right shot presents itself. If I was going strictly mech I would use the Grim Reapers or NAP Spit Fires 3 blades.

Good Luck

Good Luck
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