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Old 06-11-2014, 11:16 AM
connexion123 connexion123 is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
Good on the nfa. I agree with them completely. Not sure why it's OK for gun control advocates to jump on gun owners right out of the gate, but we have to sit down, shut up and take our lumps.

It's been proven time and time again. Prohibition does NOT work.

The reason so many non-gun owners think more restrictions are needed every time something like this occurs is because that is the only message they hear. Over and over and over and over again. They need to begin to hear over and over and over again, that it is not about the guns, it's about the people and spending money trying to prohibit something is a waste of money and effort that could be better utilized elsewhere in preventing these tragedies.
Absolutely this^^

I'm tired of sitting idle and letting them rail.

If we fight, and lose, at least we fought.
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