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Old 04-08-2014, 09:18 AM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by antlercarver View Post
I think there has to be some mental problem with a person who wants
to stick a blade into a living animal with their hand. I realize it is similar
to useing a arrow or bullet, except that the hunter is not there doing it by hand. If a pet had to be put down, and someone stabbed it, we would
have that person charged and have a mental evaluation and be restricted
from ever owning a animal ever again.
Most PETA members feel the same way as you do think.
How far away does a person have to be to make it "right" in your mind?

If one has to disasociate themselves with the deed to justify killing samething , I think they should quit hunting, that is my opinion , which obviously differs from yours.
To me it's about the same as someone not in favour of hunting and wantng all huntign banned, but has not problem eatng store bought meat.

Last edited by catnthehat; 04-08-2014 at 09:35 AM.
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