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Old 12-23-2008, 09:48 AM
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Albertadiver Albertadiver is offline
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Originally Posted by BUD View Post
Looks good , but may l ask one question , l notice the rounded part of the roofline is uneven , why didnt you use a string and draw a roof line so as not to have a crooked cut.
Yeah yeah, I know!

I did use the string concept, my problem is that I didn't have a jigsaw, and the skill saw didn't work out to well. My plan was to go with a mansard type roof instead. Well, used my sawsall to do the cuts and I butchered it pretty bad admittedly.

Good thing is that when I put on the canvas it 'hides' my crappy cuts and looks pretty good. I'll always know it's there and won't ever be happy with it though.

I could have laid out the screws and washers better too, but it was tough to get the screw to stay on the drill head with one hand, screw it in, and pull like crazy to keep the canvass as tight as I could with the other hand. Should have got the wife to help I guess.
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