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Old 01-09-2014, 11:20 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
Posts: 19,289

I just got my Resident Trappers License a week before Christmas. I self studied the manual and challenged the test as well. For courses and other trappers info google "Alberta Trappers Association" (ATA). The manual costs $50 + gst, the test is free and a Resident license costs about $20 (if you pass the test).

If you already have a snowmobile and/or quad that is the biggest cost but if you're trapping near roads that are maintained in the winter not a necessity. You'll want a set of snowshoes at the very least for winter and hip boats or waders in the spring and fall.

Trapping muskrats is pretty much a given because there are lots around and they are relatively easy to trap. You can make colony traps for spring and fall but you might some body traps for all season long. Then there's snaring coyotes and fox. That's where I'm starting. This summer I can make/accumulate martin and weasel boxes for next season.

I'm going to make as much of my own stuff (trap boxes, drying boards, fleshing beam) as I can and I figure on spending about $1K on equipment by next year. I'm thinking......60 Snares - $200....24 body grip traps & rat traps - $300....sled behind my skidoo - $200.....and $300 in wire, lumber, tools and misc items. You don't have to spend that much though, you can start small and put your fur money back into it and grow it over time.

My experience is that you have to study the manual BEFORE you can go out and buy what you need otherwise you have no idea what to buy. My timing was completely off with getting my license but I guess that I'm that much further ahead. The ATA is running courses in March and April and that, IMO, is the right time to do it. Then you have all summer to prepare, scout, plan and look forward to the start of the season. I'm really excited to get trapping but right now I'm kinda in a holding! Good luck!
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