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Old 01-04-2014, 06:20 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by 3blade View Post
The ABA is part of the hunting community. So are you. So am I. So is anyone who legally particapates in the pursuit of wild game. Your bashing the ABA is no different than their brain dead idea of a spear ban. Weapons restrictions need to be in place for management purposes because some are more efficient than others. anyone who can't handle that is just being selfish.
Except for spear chuckers right? Because they don't legally participate in the pursuit of wild game......Wait a minute! They DO legally participate in the pursuit of wild game, don't they? So, who's being selfish here, the hunters that want to use spears to hunt with or the organization that wants to make that form of hunting illegal? If you can rationalize that then good for you.
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